Here’s why you need to pay attention to the evolving legal landscape. Some tech companies are way over promising on their AI capabilities. Those of you who are critical thinkers might chalk it up to marketing fluff. But, where is the line between marketing fluff and...
Master the use of normative leverage. Normative leverage is the skillful use of common standards, social norms, and shared interests to create an argument to gain an advantage or protect a position an organization has taken. When using normative leverage, contract...
Sorry folks, but it is TRUE. For the sell-side account manager, her/his role in post-award contract management is more fully defined, recognized and valued by the supplier because it is in essence a customer satisfaction function. Buying companies tend to overlook the...
Keld Jensen, one of the leading authors on negotiating partnerships said this: “Poor negotiations skills are probably the biggest single cause of major costs and lost opportunities to any organization. And what is more –most companies do not even see it!” The problem,...
It’s time for a new approach and mindset for contract negotiations—time to leave the me-first, I-win-you-lose strategy and replace it with a highly collaborative approach when structuring partnerships. What if the agreement you negotiated was more than just a...