Risk Management Goals: Minimizing, Monitoring, and Controlling Risk Minimize or mitigate risk means finding ways to reduce, the impact or loss of a risk. Efforts to minimize the risk are performed before the risk is realized whereas mitigations take place afterward in...
If you have a risk that needs to be addressed in a contract, use these three questions to help you get a handle on it. It could be a new risk profile due to market constraints, a new law, or a new corporate policy. Where in your standard contract are common risks...
Customer/Supplier Relationships Each customer/supplier relationship will require its own level of contract management correlating to the level of interdependence and complexity. The contract professional’s goal will be to easily identify the appropriate level of...
Recently, a newer employee working in supply chain at a public utility asked me the following: “What is the difference between a Total Cost of Ownership and Total Supplier Spend? We need to cut costs next year and there is a line in the supplier’s scorecard for TCO...
Social Norms To Do Business By Reciprocity obligates businesspeople to make fair and balanced exchanges. If one company accepts a business risk, the other must be prepared to do the same. If one company commits to invest time and money in an important project, the...